EPISODE 114 | Reproductive Rights, Environmentalism, and Legislative Battles: A Deep Dive into Florida's Complex Landscape


Explore the complex world of reproductive rights & environmentalism with Representative Lindsay Cross where we discuss the process of passing critical healthcare legislation, crisis pregnancy centers, abortion restrictions, & more.


In this episode, we dive into the complex world of reproductive rights and environmentalism, discussing recent issues in Florida and the potential impacts on reproductive technologies like IVF and medical care during emergencies. Joined by Representative Lindsey Cross, we explore the increasing prevalence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals and their potential connection to infertility, miscarriages, and possibly even gender dysphoria. We also break down the complicated process of how a bill becomes a law and the role of committees, the House of Representatives, and the importance of majority control. Additionally, we examine the frustrating aspects of pregnancy counting in the medical system, the funding for crisis pregnancy centers, and the impact of extreme policies on reproductive healthcare and education. Finally, we discuss the long-term implications of our convenience-driven lifestyle on our health and the environment, as well as the role of lobbyists in shaping legislation. This conversation is crucial to understanding how these issues affect not only Florida residents but the wider population as well.


(0:00:01) - Environmentalism in Fertility
(0:05:39) - The Complex Rules of Passing Legislation

(0:12:37) - Funding Crisis Pregnancy Centers

(0:21:10) - Impact of Abortion Restrictions
(0:30:01) - Politically Motivated Disinformation

(0:40:41) - Impact of Convenience Lifestyle
(0:52:50) - The Impact of Lobbyists on Society

(0:59:19) - Environmentalism and Reproductive Health


(0:00:01) - Environmentalism in Fertility (6 Minutes)
In this episode, we explore the recent reproductive rights issues in Florida and how environmentalism plays a role in these laws. Representative Lindsey Cross, who has an extensive background in environmental science, joins us to discuss the potential impact of these laws on reproductive technologies like IVF and medical care during emergencies. We also cover the increasing prevalence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals and their potential connection to rising infertility rates, miscarriages, and even gender dysphoria. As Florida's governor may become a potential presidential candidate in 2024, it's crucial to understand how these views could affect the wider population.

(0:05:39) - The Complex Rules of Passing Legislation (7 Minutes)
We delve into the complex process of how a bill becomes a law, discussing the role of the House of Representatives, committees, and the importance of majority control. The conversation highlights the pathway from an idea for a bill to its passage through the House and Senate, and ultimately to the governor's desk. We also touch on the potential consequences of a bill that could ban abortion at six weeks, emphasizing the importance of voting in smaller elections and understanding the legislative processes.

(0:12:37) - Funding Crisis Pregnancy Centers (9 Minutes)
We discuss the frustrating aspects of pregnancy counting in the medical system and how it impacts women's access to abortion. We also explore how the political climate in Florida allows for extreme viewpoints to take precedence over public opinion, leading to restrictive abortion laws that don't consider the nuances of pregnancy. Additionally, we examine the allocation of funds to unlicensed crisis pregnancy centers, questioning the ethics and priorities of the government in light of known issues such as maternal mortality rates, domestic violence prevention, and rape crisis centers.

(0:21:10) - Impact of Abortion Restrictions (9 Minutes)
We examine the six-week abortion ban in Florida and its impact on women's healthcare choices, specifically addressing the funding for centers that aim to influence people to carry their pregnancies to term. The conversation highlights the difficulties women face in obtaining appointments and making informed decisions within the restricted timeframe, especially in rural areas. We also discuss how these restrictions affect women of different socioeconomic backgrounds and how they may contribute to maternal fatalities due to lack of care. Furthermore, we touch on the implications of the bill on IVF treatments and the gray areas surrounding the definition of when life begins.

(0:30:01) - Politically Motivated Disinformation (11 Minutes)
We explore the concerning implications of recent extreme policies passed in Florida, including those that impact reproductive healthcare and education. The conversation touches on the potential unintended consequences of these policies and the need for rebuilding within political parties to address and fix these issues. The discussion also covers the importance of educating children about the biology of menstruation and the negative repercussions of keeping people ignorant. Additionally, we question whether there is any focus on researching how chemicals affect sexual development, infertility, and potential gender dysphoria in the Florida legislature.

(0:40:41) - Impact of Convenience Lifestyle (12 Minutes)
We investigate the long-term implications of our convenience-driven lifestyle on our health and the environment, particularly the impact of single-use plastics, chemicals, and waste. We also discuss the alarming findings of a study on the decline of sperm count in industrialized nations, which could lead to a majority of men being unable to father children by 2045. The conversation emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about these issues and the need for persistence in addressing them through legislation and policy changes. We also touch on the influence of lobbyists and special interest groups in maintaining the status quo, making it challenging to enact meaningful change for our health and environment.

(0:52:50) - The Impact of Lobbyists on Society (6 Minutes)
We discuss the role of lobbyists in politics and their impact on legislation, acknowledging that not all lobbyists are bad, but some can negatively influence policies. Additionally, we explore some positive developments in Florida, such as amending bills to prevent rushed redevelopment in coastal areas. We also emphasize the importance of meaningful discourse and staying informed to make a positive impact on society. Lastly, we share ways to connect with and support Representative Lindsay Cross on social media and her website.

(0:59:19) - Environmentalism and Reproductive Health (1 Minutes)
In this segment, we highlight the intersection between environmentalism and reproductive health, emphasizing the importance of caring for our planet and its impact on the reproductive systems of men, women, and everyone in between. We hope you find the content informative and valuable, and encourage you to share your newfound knowledge or leave a review on iTunes to help others discover this crucial information when it's their turn to conceive.

Episode Keywords:

Reproductive Rights, Environmentalism, Florida Legislation, IVF, Medical Care, Endocrine- Disrupting Chemicals, Infertility, Miscarriages, Gender Dysphoria, Bill Process, House of Representatives, Majority Control, Abortion Restrictions, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Convenience Lifestyle, Single-Use Plastics, Sperm Count Decline, Lobbyists, Coastal Redevelopment, Reproductive Health

EPISODE 112 | Understanding How MTHFR Mutations and Methylation Affect Fertility with Ricardo Miranda, LAc

Subtitle: We discuss the major influence that chromosomal methylation has on our cells’ genetic expression, and how we can manipulate it to our advantage. 

Description: Ricardo Miranda is the CEO and MTHFR consultant for MTHFRdoctors.com. He is a leading clinician and one of the top researchers in the field of MTHFR genetic mutation. With over 28 years of clinical experience, he is able to assess the direct link between his patient’s genetic mutations and their health issues. He developed a unique approach combining Functional Medicine, Genetics, Epigenetics, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Nutrition and Integrative Medicine diagnostics. He has done extensive research in the MTHFR area, and with the understanding of multiple disciplines, he has coached doctors from all over the country on how to treat patients with MTHFR mutations and methylation issues, including mitochondrial dysfunction. With a passion for helping people reverse their long-lasting illnesses, Ricardo founded MTHFRdoctors.com. Today MTHFRdoctors.com is one of the leading websites in the field of MTHFR with the biggest research database on MTHFR related studies available.

We take a deep dive into how our body's natural ability to detoxify itself can be inhibit by as much as 70% depending on our genetics. The innability to detox naturally can have significant impact on both male and female fertility as well as the health of our future children. We discuss in depth the antagonist relationship between folate and folic acid and how to avoid folic acid causing issue even though it is widely prescribed to OB patients across the US. 


[2:12] MTHFR is a gene that controls how the body breaks down folate and folic acid. We get folate from food, and our bodies break down and dispose of excess folate naturally. Folic acid, however, is a synthetic form of folate, and excess levels of folic acid leads to toxicity. Synthetic folic acid has been added to processed foods since the early 1990s. 

[5:15] MTHFR gene mutations come in varying degrees of severity, and 80% of the population has at least some form of the mutation. A double (homozygous) mutation, the most severe form, results in the body only being able to break down 30% of its folate or folic acid intake, leading to toxicity if the body’s folic acid intake is particularly high. 

[13:15] Methylation is a cellular process that “turns” certain genes “on” and “off” by chemically altering the overall structure of our DNA to either allow or hinder gene expression. In other words, if we have certain genetic mutations that we’d like to suppress, we’d want to “turn off” those genes through methylation, and prevent those genes from being expressed at all. 

[15:00] We can influence our DNA’s methylation through our environment and lifestyle—habits like exercising have been shown to positively affect methylation, for example. 

[24:50] It’s important to get tested for the MTHFR mutation and understand your body’s ability to break down folate and folic acid. Folic acid buildup during pregnancy can have severe impacts on the health of your baby.

[30:15] Genetic testing allows us to become aware of certain mutations we might not even know we possess, allowing us to take action to prevent complications that arise from these mutations before they become serious problems. 

[36:40] Supplementing a diet with raw folate and avoiding folic acid will help prevent toxic buildup, but if you have any form of the MTHFR mutation, you’re still not going to be able to break down and utilize all of the folate you intake. Methylated folate can be taken as a supplement in varying quantities based on the severity of your MTHFR mutation, as it bypasses the step your body needs to take to break down the unmethylated folate that is found more commonly. 

[39:15] When analyzing your MTHFR genetic results, know that A’s are better than C’s, 1 is better than 2, and if you have a moderate to severe set of mutations, you’ll want to seek professional help. It’s crucial that both partners get tested, as MTHFR mutations will affect the health of your baby no matter who they’re inherited from. 

[43:30] It is ideal to prepare the body for pregnancy at least 3-6 months in advance, but 12 months lead time is optimal. This allows the body to recover and detoxify from any unhealthy lifestyle choices, especially so that the genetic repercussions of these bad habits aren’t passed down to the baby. Even men should detoxify at least 3 months before trying to conceive, as the sperm life cycle is about 90 days. 


ADHD – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35834596/

Anemia – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29532755/

Anxiety – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30904222/  

Asthma – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34511169/

Autism – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19440165/

Blood Clots – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29212064/

Cancer -

MTHFRdoctors research on cancer

Developmental Delays – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32318793/

Depression – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15671130/ Note: Folic acid is a direct contraindication for people that have MTHFR mutations and MTHFR patients should only take a methylated for of folate. Dosage is calculated based on the individual mutation and blood marker assessment.

Diabetes – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12136399/

Down syndrome – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24913031/ 

Glaucoma – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30851082/

Heart Attacks – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24242286/

Infertility – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33914208/

Microcephaly – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34983810/

Migraines – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30451038/

Miscarriages – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30986448/

MS (Multiple Sclerosis) – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26261797/

NTD (Neural Tube Effects) – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35653630/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16825690/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17480154/

Peripheral Neuropathy – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29222982/

Schizophrenia – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21185933/

Stroke – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31932513/

EPISODE 107 | WHY PLEASURE MATTERS | With Sex Coach Danielle Savory

Fertility challenges, mothering. trauma, and conditioning can absolutely get in the way of pleasure. And pleasure is what lights you up and makes this whole life worth living. So what is a girl to do? Join me as I pick the big beautiful brain of Sex Coach, Danielle Savory, and she shares her tips for creating more pleasure and drops some knowledge on how our bodies and minds work to keep us safe and to light us up. If you love our guest as much as I do, head over to https://daniellesavory.com and see how she can help you reclaim your sexiest most lit up self.

Links to take you further

Find Danielle @ https://daniellesavory.com and get on her email list.

Join her group coaching program Turned on Woman here.

EPISODE 106 | MINDFUL MOMENTS | Guided Practice for Making Difficult Decisions

When making hard decisions it can feel paralyzing, as if one decision could derail our entire life. You may be asked to make incredibly hard decisions on a path to becoming a parent so I created this for you. It is one of my favorite time out of thinking exercises I use to get in touch with my higher self when I am struggle to make the "right" decision. Enjoy! P.S. Please do not listen to this while driving or operating heavy machinery. Save it for a time when you can listen and be open to all that your mind and body have to offer you.

Finding yourself in torturous indecision about whether you should join Conscious Conceptions? Let's clear that up together on a call.

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Decision fatigue describes how our decision-making gets worse as we make additional choices and our cognitive abilities get worn out. Decision fatigue is the reason we feel overwhelmed when we have too many choices to make, especially in the absence of resources. The phenomena of decision fatigue can affect even the most rational and intelligent individuals, as everyone can become mentally exhausted. The more decisions made throughout the day, the harder each decision becomes for us. Eventually, the brain looks for shortcuts to circumvent decision fatigue, leading to poor decision-making. While this is typically a business concept it is rampant in the fertility & parenting world because of the sheer number and weight of each decision we are asked to make on a daily basis.

Finding yourself in torturous indecision about whether you should join Conscious Conceptions? Let's clear that up together on a call.

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Words have incredible power. Today we are going to explore the story you have been broadcasting to your body about the status of your fertility and how that impacts your perception of the journey. I'll share some personal insights I had working through this same exercise with my own health and the surprising findings in the mansion of the mind. We will go through my ritual for rewriting your story in a powerful way.

EPISODE 103 | YOUR PREGNANT-NOW WHAT | Tips for what to expect & how to worry less

Seeing that positive pregnancy test can leave us flying high with happiness, until the worry sets in. Today's episode seeks to educate you on what to expect in terms of appointments, symptoms and labs so there is less room in your mind for thinking something is going wrong.


  1. Listen to your body's signals. Be kind to yourself when dietary and sleep habits need to shift.

  2. Have a plan to say no to anything that doesn't serve this special time in your life and put your health and wellness first. Know your triggers- people pleasing, perfectionism, overworking to avoid feelings etc and have a plan to overcome them if you notice yourself reverting to old patterns of putting everyone before yourself.

  3. Establish with your OB or midwife ahead of being pregnant for higher priority appointments.- Home midwives are the often the best for quick care and hello they come to your home.

  4. Know how to advocate and pull your own labs if your state laws allow. Consider adding D3, B vitamins and iron if you have ever been anemic or had miscarriage, Progesterone if you have have had trouble getting pregnant or miscarriages, and TSH if you have known thyroid issues. That way if something is out of line you will be able to address it faster with your provider when you do get in to be seen.

  5. Decide how you want feel when you do get pregnant and don't be afraid to model it and dream yourself into it so that when it does happen, the feeling is familiar and you can saver every precious moment of it.


EPISOODE 102 | THE FIVE REALMS OF FERTILITY- How Fertility Challenges Touch Every Part of Your Life

What are the five realms of fertility? They are the places in our lives we can look to and examine in order to feel more balanced on our fertility journey. Join me as we explore how fertility challenges may be showing up as more than an empty next in this excerpt from my Conscious Conceptions coaching program.

If you are curious about working together or joining Conscious Conceptions you are invited to schedule a free 1:1 session with me here.


What exactly happens in a life coaching session? And why would I ever hire someone to help me do Life? And is that a legit career? These are actual judgey thoughts I myself had when I first learned about life coaching 10 years ago. Listen on to find out about some of the very unexpected and pleasant side effects life coaching had on me after I finally took the plunge.

Read more


Gut Issues & Subfertility- A Functional Medicine Approach

Gut health isn't where your brain would normally go when trying to solve the problem of fertility challenges, but it is thought to be one of the root causes of subfertility. Did you know that low microbe diversity in your intestines can lead to issues like endometriosis, pcos, metabolic syndrome and even obesity? Functional medicine specialist Dr. Jen Horton and I talk all things poo and how and why it should be a part of your fertility workup.

EPISODE 89 | Coping with the C-word w/ Erin Gray

As if fertility challenges weren't hard enough, now we are dealing with the ramifications of COVID-19. Today we bring you some sound advice for coping emotionally and the beautiful insight as to why you may be better equipped to handle this than you think.


Our guest today, Lindsay Meisel, is the chief science editor at Ava Fertility Tracker with over a decade of experience educating and writing about reproductive health. I got to geek out with her over the science behind this wearable piece of tech and how exactly the Ava bracelet is different from other ovulation predictors. If you have wondered about using the Ava, have tracked your basal body temps (BBT) and are totally over buying ovulation kits, are unsure of your ovulation signs & symptoms, or your just starting out and trying to figure out when your fertile window actually occurs this episode is for you.

If you are tired of trying to interpret your own ovulation calendar, you might want to let AVA do the work for you. Click here for you $20 discount.*

Listen in, learn, and get inspired.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

• What is an Ava Bracelet?

• How does the Ava bracelet work?

• How people micro analyze data

• Can Ava detect a miscarriage?

• Wearing the bracelet during pregnancy

• The differences between Ava and other wearable technologies

• How secure is your data with Ava?

• The launch of the digital contraceptive product

• Purchasing the Ava bracelet

Key Milestones of the Episode:

(01:50): What is an Ava bracelet?

(02:40): How does the wearable tech work?

(06:13): The machine learning algorithm of the Ava bracelet

(17:28): How are people micro analyzing data?

(18:43): Ava’s unique feature (you can sync data after five days)

(20:12): Can Ava help detect a possible miscarriage?

(21:19): Is there value in wearing the bracelet during pregnancy?

(25:28): Differences between Ava and other wearable technologies

(29:05): How secure is your data with Ava?

(30:51): How accurate is Ava?

(34:53): Purchasing the bracelet

(36:12): Lindsay’s fertility journey

Key Quotes from the Episode:

“How we get rid of shame is by telling our stories.”

“…the whole point of Ava is to be able to give you these real-time predictions.”

“Understanding your body is not a machine. It’s not going to be the same every month.”

“If you’re getting an eight-day fertile window at a bare minimum, two of those eight days are not fertile.”

“If you want to predict progesterone, you need to look at signs that are correlated with estrogen or estradiol or luteinizing hormone.”

“There’s a horrible stigma that caring about the journey to getting pregnant makes you this like desperate, weird woman or something.”

“Women already do enough work when it comes to domestic matters.”

“Machine learning is basically a way to; it’s a way for algorithms to make decisions where the reasons aren’t obvious.”If you are tired of trying to interpret your own ovulation calendar, you might want to let AVA do the work for you. Click here for you $20 discount.*

EPISODE 74 | CONCEIVING WITH LOVE | How to Keep the Spark Alive with Denise Wiesner

Description: Has TTC made your mojo go MIA? There's a book to help you find it! This conversation with Denise Wiesner, a fellow ABORM certified acupuncturist, is packed with tips from the taoist traditions of chinese Medicine to help you forget about conceiving and get back to loving, literally. Trust me when I say you should listen to this episode together and read the book in bed together :)

Announcer: (0:00) Welcome to Fertile Minds Radio. Here, you'll find wisdom for your fertility journey and beyond. Chosen specifically to help you trust your body and elevate your spirit so you can enjoy the process. Join us and see what a fertile mind feels like. Now your host, Hillary Talbott Roland. 

Hillary Talbott Roland: Hey there, Hillary here, your go-to gal for a plan to reclaim your fertility and create a healthy family for generations to come. We have an amazing guest today, Denise Wiesner. She's a fellow acupuncturist and a fellow of the American Board of Oriental Medicine. She's the founder of Natural Healing & Acupuncture clinic in West Los Angeles and she's an internationally recognized traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, specializing in whole systems Chinese medicine and approach to women's health, sexuality, and fertility. She has been at this work since 1994 so she really is a wealth of information when it comes to balancing the body naturally in order to enhance the fertility of a couple all while helping them to keep their spark and loving connection.

Her approach uses a combination of acupuncture, diet and lifestyle counseling, nutritional supplements, Chinese herbs and Daoist breathing and fertility exercises. She has just published a book, Conceiving With Love: A Whole-Body Approach to Creating Intimacy, Reigniting Passion and Increasing Fertility. And she has graciously taken the time out of her busy schedule to come on the show and let you know some tips and tricks to help keep love alive while you are trying to conceive.

Denise, welcome to the show. 

Denise Wiesner: I'm so happy to be here. Thank you so much. 

Hillary: Yeah, I have to say your book is awesome. One of my patients was in Colorado for some IVF procedures and she just hopped on upon the publishing house for Shambala and she texted me and said, "Do you know this book?" And I said, "I don't even think it was out yet."

Denise: Wow. 

(2:00) Hillary: She's like, "It's amazing. You have to read it." So that's why you're here today.(2:00) With all serendipitous act upon one of my patients. 

Denise: That's lovely.

Hillary: I feel like acupuncture isn't one of those careers that every little girl dreams of doing, nor as being a sex therapist I'm really curious, how did you come to this world? 

Denise: Really, in terms of the conceiving, I was having my own issues, conceiving my second child and I went to see a lot of different acupuncturists and I went to a naturopath, a western medical doctor and at the time I was having difficulty breathing, I was having some asthma. They just wanted to work on my asthma and I kept thinking, "Gosh, I just want to make a baby, like don't you want to understand?" So -- 

Hillary: Right.

Denise: And nobody really caught on that I was having some types of -- I was having a thyroid issue. And at that point, I did get pregnant and had to I --  it was a very faint line and it was a chemical pregnancy and I was freezing and I went to my doctor and I was like, "Test my thyroid." And he did and I found out I had low thyroid. That was sort of the impetus for being, for doing fertility.

And then the sexual piece, I might have to clarify, I'm not a sex therapist, but I am a certified sex coach, but I found that I was talking to all my patients who are trying to conceive and it seemed like nobody was having sex and if they were, it was really kind of strained and I would deal with couples and I had mentioned about sexuality and they were like, "Oh yeah, baby-making sex." And then the husband would turn to the wife and the wife would look at me and I just realized there was a whole world of intimacy that wasn't really being addressed in the world of fertility so I tried to marry the two. 

Hillary: I think that's great. I see the same thing in many of my patients, especially if the challenge has gone on for any amount of time in terms of the intimacy. 

Denise: Yeah. 

Hillary: And so often, they're not talking about it. It's like an elephant in the room. 

(4:00) Denise: I think there's just so much shame around the topic of sexuality. Right? I mean, it's a very, very --  fertility is private, which it is for a lot of people, then sexuality is even more private. Nobody has anyone to talk to. I think, people don't know where to go to speak about this. 'Cause you don't want to tell like your best friend that your husband's having problems getting erections so you have to do an IVF, right?

Hillary: Right.

Denise: As we go -- and then you don't -- The fertility doctors, I mean, I interviewed many of them and they're so gracious and wonderful, but they're not really talking about it either. Some are, but their solution is, "Well, we can do an IVF or insemination," and that's sometimes a great solution, but nobody is addressing the underlying problem.

Hillary: Right. And I find that with a lot of the reproductive endocrinologists as the amazing gift that they have to help couples conceive. It's not really holistic in nature. Like they're not looking for the underlying problem. So the quality of life issues, cause if you are having trouble being intimate in having sex before the baby, guess what's going to happen after the baby.

Denise: Right. Right. The baby, it gets even worse. 

Hillary: Right. I think it's brilliant to address that now and we're going to go into some of that in great detail, but your book just does such an excellent job of describing the 5-element theory of Chinese medicine and specifically how it pertains to fertility. I was hoping that you could briefly go through that and why it's important. And this kind of hearkens back to what you were talking about, the acupuncturist wanting to treat your lungs and your asthma or the metal element and you're thinking, "What? Just giving me a baby." Right? 

(6:00) Denise: Yeah, alright. Well, I took a lot of liberties with the five elements because I really decided that there was really nothing on intimacy. So I bridged it with how do we take care of ourselves holistically and how do we equate that into what kind of lover we are, so to speak. Really, just how do we open the dialogue about sexuality, was my biggest point. I started with the center. I did a Daoist model of the five elements where earth is at the center(6:00)and earth is this idea of being present in the body and communication and our digestion and how we assimilate. Right? And so people that are earth types or have an imbalance in this element oftentimes seek the approval of others. And really, they overworry and they overthink. Right? 

No, this is so common with fertility patients. Over worrying, worrying, ''What if it doesn't work? What if I don't have a baby? What if I don't get pregnant with this IVF?'' There's a lot of worrying. There's also this idea of how we show up in our bodies, how we feel in our bodies.  What our diets like, how our microbiome is, the beneficial bacteria of our gut or how the microbiome is in our vagina. 'Cause we have a separate microbiome there. How's the flora and fauna? Do we get frequent yeast infections? Are we eating a lot of sugar? This idea of the earth element really is about being present in the body and communicating and feeling good in our body. Feeling like if we don't feel good in our body, we really probably don't want our partner to see us. We don't want to be naked, right? 

Hillary: Right.

Denise: How do we nourish this element? Then it goes even further in what kind of lover we are. Do we just try to please our partner and we don't really ask for what we need? Because we're a giver. We're an earth Mama. We want to take care of everything, but we don't get our needs met. That could be more than just lovemaking, but how do we feel in our body? That's pretty much just the brief synopsis of the Earth element. 

(8:00) Hilary: You had this quote in there about that I have pertained. I took relevance to the fire element and you said, "Connecting to your heart allows you to trust your spiritual journey of procreation, even when it is fraught with uncertainty, even when you have no idea whether you will ever have a child." I just love that. I was wondering if you can talk about the connection of the fire and water elements, water being reproduction and fire really being our heart center in community and how we connect in community and how we connect and why that's so important. 

Denise: Yeah, in Chinese Medicine as you know, there's this extraordinary vessel called the Chong Meridian. It is this extraordinary vessel that connects our heart energies with our kidney energies or the water element, our reproductive energies. The kidney energies are our reproduction and our sexuality. It's that fire in our loins that says, "Yes, let's make a baby." The element is not working in all its abundance. Because wanting to conceive is that energy. It's like that, "Oof, yes, we love each other. Let's make a baby." But it's also connected to the fire element, which is the spiritual heart, which is love, which is in my book, the heart element. And you know, Chinese medicine also goes to the mind, but it's that beautiful like looking into your partner's eyes and kissing with the tongue, which the tongue opens to the heart. It's deep passion, deep intimacy. This energy connects with the kidney energy, the water element. It's water and fire. They have to be working together. It's love that makes the baby, it's that love energy that drops into the lower burner, the lower energies, the kidney energy that makes us conceive. 

Hillary: But you're right, just wanting to go on and in ourselves, continuing to reproduce themselves. 

Denise: Yeah.

(10:00) Hillary: You mentioned Daoist practices or Daoist traditions, which I think a lot of our listeners are familiar with traditional Chinese medicine if they've listened to the show because we bring it in here and there. But a lot of people aren't really familiar with what Daoism is or what it means and how it relates to Chinese medicine. Could you speak to(10:00) that a little bit just to clarify? 

Denise: Yeah, sure. That's a great question. Daoism is what Chinese medicine came from. The Daoist, way back in the day before Confucianism came into to the planet really connected with nature. They lived their lives according to the rhythms of nature. We have the night time, which is in Chinese medicine, we say the Yin time, the dark time, the feminine time going inside. Then we have the Yang time, the fire element, the sunshine, going outside the male energy. They have this idea like the Tai-chi symbol, the Yin Yang symbol, that black and white circle thing everyone talks about. This idea of having them always in balance of Feminine and Masculine Balance. In the ancient times, they have practices to help create balance, to help live in flow with nature that also created lovemaking. 

They had this idea of feminine. Males are supposed to boil like they're ready to go and females are really slow. This idea of, that's Yin and Yang again, and that idea of creating balance is letting the feminine lead. In Daoism, a lot, the Feminine Energy would lead and there would be, the males would wait for the feminine to be, [let's say] aroused. I'm using sexuality as an example, but it's way more than sexuality. But this idea of cultivating, it was this idea of cultivating our energies. How do we cultivate and balance our energy so that everything is in balance like nature? That forms Chinese medicine, as we know it. 

Hillary: Awesome. Thank you for explaining that for all those that didn't know. I think that's such an important part and that's when people say, "Well, how does Chinese medicine work?" And I say, "It'll get you back in line with nature and your surroundings and that you can go with the flow."

Denise: That a lot better, a better explanation. 

(12:00) Hillary: No, well, I think it's important for what we're talking about that the Yin and the Yang, it's those have become terms that are thrown around, but unless you've studied deeply, like you don't quite understand some of the intricacies and that dig in does lead. And that it is up to the woman to really drive that cart, so to speak. You hear that women? It's up to you to set the stage. It's not a bad thing. 

 Denise: Right. Absolutely. And we do that with just a lot of times showing and communicating and Yin is the receiver. I think that's also really important too, is that we receive. In fertility world that I work in, you probably could relate. Most of the women are doing so much. They're doing everything to have a baby and they just want to do more. Like what else can I do? And sometimes, it's not so much about the doing as it is about the receiving. 

Babie are never achieved. They are received. Sometimes you need to go to the Yin Valley of darkness and be in a place of utter reception.
— Randine Lewis IFS 2017

Denise: Yes, yes. That's very true. So yeah, from that place of receiving is where we drop in.

Hillary: Right. And it's difficult, I think, when you've been- Women that are of childbearing age right now, we're kind of raised in a society of 'try to live in a man's world'. They've kind of indoctrinated themselves into 'go, go, go'. And how very Yang lifestyle. And so, it almost seems foreign when you tell them like, "Hey, you need to slow down." And you are actually guiding this but you need to be a little softer about it. That might help you.

(14:00) Denise: And it's so interesting because of how this affects the relationship because we're talking about intimacy in a relationship as men whereas their Yang nature of like coming and fixing things and being that energy. This could be, we're talking about male-female relationships, but it's often in same-sex too. There's a dominant Yang person or a Yin person or however. It's not just in the heterosexual relationships, but in that Masculine Feminine Energy Dance, which we all do, that males oftentimes in my practice, specifically feel sort of impotent literally on what to do. Because the females are doing so much and they would like to do, but they don't know what to do. And their big job, their big moment is that to like do the ejaculations and so that they get right. And for them, they want to connect too and they want to have intimacy and so they can't fix it and then maybe they have this big pressure on this one moment and then they have, it's difficult for the men as well as the females. 

Hillary: Do you see a lot of men in your practice? 

Denise: I happen to see a lot of men in my practice.

Hillary: That's awesome. 

Denise:  Yeah, it is. And they are amazing and they really tell me so much. They really inform me, they really are open. And I'm pretty impressed with my male patients. 

Hillary: Well, you know, it takes two to Tango, but I think that that kind of 'I'm going to do everything I can and then I don't want to bother my husband', until I absolutely have to model that. I see it happening sometimes as the males, they don't come for treatment as often as they should. I'm sure there's a lot of listeners out there wondering like how do they have that conversation in a tactful way to get their husband on board to come to something like acupuncture if it's foreign to them? 

Denise: Yeah. I think, if they know they're going to have more intimacy with their wives.

Hillary: Yes. Okay. 

Denise: If we're going to get more pleasure out of the whole experience, I bet a lot of men will be down. I mean, like, if that's gonna make their connection better and make their wife happier. I mean, men probably -- Well, yeah, that's what they're about, like taking care of the feminine. Male and male energy is taking care of the feminine energy. I think that, yeah, more intimacy, more connection. I think that's a way to win a man as opposed to(16:00)you might have to take these or that you have to do this. I think men want to have a baby. Most men, a lot of men want to conceive as well and they want their wives to be happy and they want to be connected.

Hillary: Yeah. For sure, but they just don't talk about it ad nauseam like we do.

Denise: That's for sure.

Hillary: Your book has all these amazing Daoist Taoist exercises, I should say, in there for lovemaking. What's a simple one you could share with our audience if they were, say going to practice and be like, "Hey, you'll get more of this perhaps if you go to the acupuncturist."

Denise: I'm going to talk about some really basic things right now. Because it's hard to explain like Microcosmic Orbit Breathing, really [line breaking] instruction reading the book for that. I think what happens with couples is just the simple things go by the way said. Like full body hugs. This idea of, in Taoism or actually, I use some tantra stuff too, where there's the Yab Yum practice where a female will sit in a male's lap and maybe they connect their energy centers with them. But boiling it down, I would ask the questions of, 'when's the last time you had a full body naked hug for a long time? And when's the last time you did eye gazing?' Just really looking at your partner in the eye is so intimate. It's just this idea of connecting energies and then in addition, 'when's the last time you made out?' Connecting the heart energies, the tongue energies. These things, it's just when people are trying to have a baby, it's like, "Okay, come on, let's get down to it." It's that intimacy of connection of deep hugs, deep kissing. And yes, there are lots of Daoist practices, but just breathing together, where we breathe, we just match each other's breath and we just sit there across from each other. Look in the eyes, you could even put a hand on the heart energies and just look at your(18:00) beloved and really look into their eyes. Sometimes, that's just very hard to do because we don't have a lot of time and it's hard to be really that intimate.

Hillary: Well, yeah, because fertility becomes that job on top of your other jobs and you're always giving to-do lists of what to do or at least this is what I observed in some of my patients and they're not slowing down. And that's why the show has a big emphasis on mindfulness. One of the huge reasons I wanted to have you on after I read your book was just what a great job you did of driving home that that's so important to be present. It's so often things, we get away from that. We get into these ruts and I think just looking at one another in the eye, it can bring up so much, but it's stuff that needs to rise to the surface.

I made my husband try the  3-minute hug, clothes on, not to be too TMI, but I said, "Hey, before you leave, we should start just hugging for three minutes." And it's funny because I don't think we make it more than 90 seconds without giggling or one of us saying something and it is like foreplay like you say in your book that is well before the action actually happens later. It's just kind of planting that seed, if you will, for later. And that's been really helpful. I think he really likes this stuff and reading this book.

Denise: I've gotten that from a lot of patients that are even trying to have a baby, that it's really reignited the passion in their relationship. Because there's a lot of great, even if you're not trying to conceive, there's so many great-- Just to bring back the passion for couples cause it's hard to keep it up. Ha, ha. All the time. 

Hillary: Yeah, you're right. 

(20:00) Denise: Yeah, it is. And there's a whole section in my book, Foreplay. Like this idea that it kind of begins in the morning because you do set the stage for what's going to happen. Women, we want connection, we want to be able to feel, it's not just like at that moment. Now we have to perform. It's really like, do we say really nice things to our partner? Do we text them something nice during the day? I mean, what's the communication all day? We're all so busy, sometimes it's hard to do that. 

Hillary: Right. We take that for granted. I think that that's such an important part of the relationship to foster, to be good parents, to have that alive and well before the child gets here. Because man, you need that connection. 

Denise: Absolutely.

Hillary: You need to be unified.

Denise: At its best.

Hillary: Once the baby comes, right? I'm wondering, 'cause you treat a lot of men because this is something that I've been thinking about for quite some time. They had the World Conference on Reproductive Endocrinology where they finally all in a consensus said like, "Oh yeah, this isn't just like a natural pattern that's happening, but men's sperm counts and their motility is falling and at an alarming rate." It was the first that it was this like, grim outlook for humans in terms of reproducing without something like IVF. What do you think about that? Because I know that there was-- I've actually had some male patients bring me the GQ article that was written about it where they were like, "Oh, now I'm listening cause it was in GQ." What's your opinion about why sperm rates are dropping so drastically across the planet?

Denise: I think that's such a good point. And on that note, I had a Reproductive Endocrinologist that was talking and he goes and he said, "Oh, yeah, one day it's going to be like you have sex for recreation. And then you go to the fertility doctor and have your baby." And I thought, "Wow, that's really, that's a sad commentary on our naturalness," so to speak. But I think that what's happening is that we're very out of sync. We have this huge technological broom[?] where everybody's on their cellphones and there's a cell phone in the pocket and we have a lot of environmental problems. I think that we're not even probably aware of the amount of pesticides and like what they have DDD in people's fat tissue and that has to play a role in sperm and eggs. Just the amount of environmental toxins that-- Even if it's not in this generation, we're in generations(22:00) before that it's hard for our bodies to get rid of. I think there's that plus this, you know, sort of in -- There must be some kind of stress level that's happening. But it's not just from the men from now. It's like what happened when they were conceived. Because I'm having all sorts of men right now with very low sperm counts.

Hillary: Right.

Denise: And that doctors don't know why.

Hillary: Right. This unexplained male infertility, I think, is becoming even bigger than unexplained female fertility.

Denise: Really unexplained low sperm, like really low sperm counts and taking all the tests, it's not genetic or we don't know enough about genetics right now to know because there may be are some genetic problems going on. But yeah, I think it's gotta be some type of environmental toxins, as what I'm thinking.

Hillary: Yeah. Have you ever listened to Doctor Zach Bush talks about pesticides and GMOs and how that's affecting fertility?

Denise: No, but I'm sure I would agree because it is and we're only getting worse, we're not getting any better. I wonder sometimes with women and maybe with men as well of hormone disruptors and how they play a role in male fertility as well. I mean, birth controls, how many years older? It's not that old, but women are peeing. We pee out all of our hormones and that goes into our environment somewhere. That urine goes somewhere. 

Hillary: Right.

Denise: It's not-- I think it's in the water. I mean, I know--

Hillary: Right, we can't get it out of the water.

Denise: -- our water isn't tested for that. We don't, we'll test our product. We do, and in my city, they test for all sorts of things, pesticides --

Hillary: Right.

Denise: -- heavy metals, all these good things. But they don't test for hormones. And I wonder if I'm drinking tap water by mistake, I wonder, "Are there hormones in here? I don't know"

Hillary: Right. Or SSRIs or other things that affect fertility.

Denise: Correct. Yes, SSRIs, so many of these medications, I wonder what's in the water I'm drinking.

Hillary: Berkey Filters, if you don't have one,(24:00) grab one. That's what the Peace Corps uses.

Denise: Yeah, we have filters. We have filters, but I'll have to look. I'll have to keep that one in mind. I have a filter in my office and in one of my house, but still, you know?

 Hillary: Do you think the stress aspect is what is keeping the libido low? Because I mean, I asked that in my questionnaires, and I asked if the male doesn't come. There's a part about like, tell me about your partner. That's almost always tracked when there's some fertility issues. I have to wonder if it was the chicken or the egg. When there's fertility problems, which came first?

Denise: Yeah, I'd say like 95% of my women check low libido. It's such an interesting thing for women because I have to inquire much more about what that means. Do they have low libido or is it really not enough time to be aroused because it takes like 20 to 45 minutes for a woman to become fully aroused where all her tissues engorge with blood and she's ready to have intercourse. I don't know that we have that kind of time because of stress, because stress, there's so much stress in life. It's like you come home, if a woman's working, it's like, I know when I come home and my mind is still thinking about things I have to do. It's not really in my body. I'm not feeling my sexy self. I'm not feeling like-- I have to unwind all that and get in the mood. 

And it is. I think we have such a stressful communication and there's a thousand emails I have to look at. And we are going at such a fast pace, it's hard to slow down to get into our body. I do think stress plays a huge role. Then on that note, with males and with females too, like some of the SSRIs actually prevent men from ejaculating. It sometimes prevents women from having an orgasm. We have that level where we're taking stuff for our stress and then it's causing more problems. There's other solutions for that. But I mean, I don't take my patients off their SSRIs, but they're given so easy these days and I think now everyone is given one. (26:00)

I do think stress is a huge, huge problem in libido. Absolutely. It takes time. It takes nurturing. It takes quite. It takes feeling the body just getting touched. It's all those things were sensuousness, it's not just sex, it's just like being sensual with one another, feeling of the senses, cooking, smelling, touching, tasting. That's part of the dance of sexuality. People are so stressed out, they're forgetting about that.

Hillary: Well, don't you think it really comes down to presence though? I mean that's when you involve all of those, your five senses, you're in the moment, right? You're there. You're not answering your email in your head.

Denise: Right. Absolutely. And that's where you were talking about mindfulness. I think that's so important. It's learning how to be here now. As one of my mentor, like not mentors, but spiritual teacher, Ram Dass. His book, Be Here Now. There was a watch, it says, "Now, reminder."

Hillary: Right.

Denise: Oh, yeah. Like, cause my mind does it too. It goes right into the future and I'm worried and I'm like, "Oh no."

Hillary: Yeah, that future thinking. I think, I'm permanently recovering from that. I do. I do love Ram Dass though. I mean, I think, Polishing the Mirror was his greatest book yet.

Denise: I look at him, he's in a wheelchair and he is paralyzed and half of his body and he smiles. He looks you in the eye. I'm sure he has his thing, but I'm always inspired by people who in the face of obstacles and difficulty are able to really fully be present and really fully be there. Even with fertility or whatever is going on, reminder, for myself as well. Be in the moment, be in the moment, drop into the moment.

(28:00) Hillary: Yeah. He talks about that. About how humbling it was when he got sick and he said the people taking care of him and he felt he wasn't the man anymore. He was like, here, I thought I was enlightened. And now I'm down low. I just thought that was such a great part that anybody can relate to, especially with fertility because somewhere in our wiring, I think we get it. That this is the one thing we're supposed to do. When we can't do that, I think it colors everything else.

Denise: Yeah. It's like this feeling of being broken. 'Is there something wrong with me?' Or 'I can't do this thing I'm supposed to do.' I mean, I have women that are really having hard times with it. I'm so much compassionate for that. How do we find a way to enjoy our lives in the midst of struggle. In the midst when things don't go the way we'd like them to. In the midst when we're arguing with our partner, how do we drop into love? How do we remember what's really important? I have this great exercise. I have to share this because Kia Miller, who's a yoga teacher shared it with me and I think it was like Yogi Bhajan, the founder of Kundalini gave it to another Kundalini practitioner. 

And she said, "When you're mad at your partner, you spread your legs, you go upside down and you'd hold hands upside down and you've seen what you're upset about." We get upset about so many things, myself included. What's really, really important is to return to love. It's so important to return to that energy of love, love of self, love of your partner. Love, the love energy that really dictates why we're here. I think what and why we want to have kids.

Hillary: Right. Yeah, I agree. I might try that one with my teenager. He'll be like, "What are you doing?"  But you know, people don't like the emotion of anger. We're scared to sense and feel anger coming at us. If you can lighten it up a bit and still allow your anger, I think that's brilliant. 

 (30:00) Denise: Right. And Chinese medicine talks about that and like the wood element. That we're supposed to feel our emotions and obviously not be abusive with them but to feel them and it's okay to feel anger sometimes if that's the emotion. It's okay to feel all the emotions as long as we don't stay with them forever in a day. 

Hillary: Right. The wood element is also important for feeling orgasm, right? 

Denise: Yeah. Passion, absolutely. 

Hillary: Yeah. So lots of babies are made via IVF now, but I love that you pointed out how one couple had to use donor sperm and then they kind of literally brought it into their own, took it in their own hands into that home because they wanted to have orgasms when they were trying to make this baby out of love.

Denise: There was an amazing same-sex couple that I interviewed. They were incredible. They just told me this story. I was trying to figure out about sexuality in same-sex couples and how it works there. They were like, "Oh, yeah, we had the most sex ever because this man would give us the sperm. He'd leave it for us. And then we put it in and then we knew that an orgasm afterwards is really, really important." We would go to each other one and that -- and they ended up doing IVF. But just the story, the journey of how this baby was made was so great. Yeah, that having an orgasm after a cervical insemination, was really potent for them. Yeah, it's just great. And then having an orgasm, it's a theory. Sometimes if we can, it's really wonderful, but it's not essential. One doesn't have to have one.

Hillary: Right. But it could help, right? 'Cause this is pretty powerful to get that sperm where it needs to go and you're happy at the end of it, even if it doesn't work.

(32:00) Denise: I think, I teach a lot of young women. I have a lot of young women in my practice. And a lot of women don't know even to talk about what kind of orgasm, like having an orgasm. Like one woman was having an orgasm just with a vibrator, but her partner with vaginal sex didn't give her an orgasm. And she was like so afraid. She thought there's something wrong with her. I was like, "Oh, no. A lot of women don't orgasm with vaginal intercourse. Sometimes they need a little extra clitoral stimulation and it's okay to ask your partner for that." Just the mention of all these words, people are looking at me. Just to have that dialogue where we're talking about the clitoris and the penis. I think it's like, "Yes, let's talk about these things because these are important. These are our body parts."

Hillary: Right. I think if you're going to be having sex, you should be able to talk about these things. Okay. Well, I know that we are coming to our place in time. But if you had one piece of advice for a couple that was out there trying to conceive, what would it be?

Denise: I always tell my patients like that and we don't know why this baby wants to come in or when this baby wants to come in. Sometimes your baby could be the future president, it could change the whole course of our country but it wants to be born at a certain time and it's this idea of the love coming together and trusting in the time. I think, timing becomes really scary for people. It's like you don't know when this child wants to come in and we have to do deep trust, we have to do deep love. That would be my advice. Deep trust, deep love.

Hillary: That's awesome. I think that's great. That reminder of we're not in control of time. Well, where can our listeners find you if they want to connect further?

Denise: You can go to my website, which is my name, https://www.denisewiesner.com/ And that's a good place to find me and find about the book. Yeah, that's a good place.

Hillary: Awesome. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to come on the show and to educate our listeners about how to reclaim their intimacy. And for being so vulnerable in telling your story in the book. I think that that really helps the reader to get comfortable with what might be a highly uncomfortable subject for some.

Denise: Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, I appreciate that. I tried to put a little of me in there cause it's hard sometimes for all of us.

Hillary: Yeah, absolutely. It's a much-needed book. I think it's going to help a ton of couples out there. If you're listening, I highly recommend grabbing a copy of Conceiving With Love and reading a little in bed each night and sharing with your partner. I promise you and your partner will be pleasantly surprised about what comes up, pun intended.

If you want a free chapter, you can get a free chapter before you commit. You can do that if you go to the show notes for this podcast, which is ladypotions.com/fmradio/74 or simply search Conceiving with Love on our homepage at LadyPotions.com, that'll take you right to her home page as well. If you're out and about, you don't have anything to write down with, you know where to find it. You can also win a free copy of Denise's book if you follow me on Instagram @LadyPotions4U. You'll find details to come on, how to win a free book.

A huge thank you to all our listeners for giving us your greatest asset of your time and your attention. We truly hope this interview has peaked your interest on how to rekindle the fire. Thank you so much, Denise.

Denise: Thank you so much. You're doing great work. 

Hillary: You too.

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Announcer: Thanks for listening to Fertile Minds Radio posted at www.ladyportions.com where you'll find past episodes of show notes and free meditations. If you've benefited from what you've heard, leave a comment or review so it makes it easier for others to find this valuable wisdom. Let's help elevate each other. Thanks for listening. (35:31)


How to Manage Endometriosis Naturally & Enhance Fertility


Despite having been recognized within medical literature for over a hundred years, Endometriosis remains a very poorly understood condition. In today’s episode, Hillary discusses exactly what it is, why it takes so long to diagnose in the first place, how it can impact fertility, long term implications, and natural treatment options.



[3:15] Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent benign inflammatory disease. It affects women during their pre-menarcheal reproductive and postmenopausal hormonal stages. It is defined as the presence and growth of endometrial tissue in locations outside of the uterus. Displaced endometrial tissue responds to cyclical hormonal changes, proliferating and shedding outside of the uterus, and the bleeding is then accompanied by inflammation caused by irritation of local tissues such as the peritoneum.

[6:28] The most conservative estimate is that Endometriosis is estimated to affect approximately one in ten women of reproductive age, which is approximately 176 million women in the world. It’s considered one of the most common gynecologic problems in the U.S. and a leading gynecologic cause of both hospitalization and hysterectomy. This may be a conservative number due to the fact that so many diagnoses are missed in teenage girls.

[7:29] Initially, endometriosis was related to retrograde menstruation, but new theories have been launched, suggesting that chronic inflammation can influence the development of endometriosis because inflammatory mediators have been identified elevated in patients with endometriosis. It’s not clear if this is the cause or an effect yet.

[10:26] A few of the factors to developing endometriosis include an early period before the age of 12, short menstrual cycles, a D&C procedure, and a genetic predisposition. One of the main ways to diagnose it is through laparoscopic surgery.

[15:20] Signs and symptoms include killer cramping before or during the menstrual cycle that does not respond to treatment, severe backache, bloating, and chronic fatigue. Additionally, women may experience constipation, swollen abdomen, intestinal gas, depression, and insomnia.

[19:22] Given its association with chronic systemic inflammation and oxidative stress, it’s theorized that there is a link between endometriosis and an elevated risk of atherosclerosis and subsequent coronary heart disease. Interestingly, also epithelial ovarian cancers may be higher in women with a history of endometriosis. In nearly 8,000 women with EOC (epithelial ovarian cancer), women with a self-reported history of endometriosis had three times the risk of clear cell EOC and double the risk of endometrioid and low-grade serous EOC, but no changes in risk of high-grade serous, or mucinous EOC. Again, increased risk of ovarian cancer. And finally, and this is really interesting, women with endometriosis have a very clear increased risk of hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, other autoimmune conditions in addition to Hashimoto’s, including systemic Lupus, MS, and Sjogren’s, and also atopic disease is also significantly more common in women with endometriosis than women in the general U.S. population.

[25:32] The holistic approach to dealing with endometriosis encompasses treating both the pain and the root cause.

[36:32] A few of the natural treatments include Devil’s Claw, Melatonin, Adaptogens, and Medicinal Mushrooms. Also, it is important to decrease or eliminate foods that cause inflammation such as a high amount of dairy and animal products. One also must detoxify their liver and reduce stress and environmental exposures.

[36:32] A diet similar to the Mediterranean Diet seems to do well for those with endometriosis, as the focus is on healthy fats, lean meats and plenty of vegetables.

[54:38] Other options and treatments include speaking with a professional practitioner about an IUD, acupuncture and getting a pelvic or abdominal massage. Many places will teach you the art of doing the massage technique on yourself so you can administer it on your own time.



  1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12790847

  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30781885

  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30359864

  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30302765

  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29873595

  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29726290

  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29610611

  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21111655

  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2875884/

  10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3941414/

  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15727565

  12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15727565

  13. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26901277

  14. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9660426

  15. https://www.medpagetoday.org/obgyn/generalobgyn/39127

  16. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26247027

  17. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17007852?dopt=Abstract&holding=f1000

  18. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23865123

  19. Porpora M, Brunelli R, Costa G, et al. A promise in the treatment of endometriosis: an observational cohort study on ovarian endometrioma reduction by N-acetylcysteine. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2013; April. Article ID 240702

  20. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29944729

  21. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30231769

  22. Aviva Romm’s Functional & Integrative Training Program


You must not rely on the information in this podcast as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website or in this podcast.



Today’s episode is a re-release of episode three. Missed it the first time around? Well we’re back with a remastered version. Loved it back in the day? Re-listen and re-love it (and maybe pick up on some gems you didn’t hear when it first aired). This episode is meant to give you a glimpse at how herbs can be safely used in treating infertility. I could do an entire show just on herbs alone, so this is meant to give you the basics so you have a better understanding of how herbs might help and why exactly we are prescribing what we are. Herbs can seem scary for a gal that’s used to prescriptions and my hope is that this episode can shed a little light on not only how helpful they can be, but to help you feel more secure about how and why to use them. And if you are one of those that wants to do it all yourself, I’ll point you to some resources to find more information on your journey of self-discovery. For those of you that want to know why, but prefer to let a board-certified practitioner diagnose and prescribe, I’m going to tell you how to find one of those too. So let’s dive in.



[4:20] Herbs are amazing tools to treat infertility and have been used by most cultures on the planet to enhance fertility for thousands of years. There is historical evidence that the Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese, and Indian cultures all used them in this fashion.

[5:57] The 8 Pillars and the philosophy behind enhancing fertility when using TCM is this. Balance the body out and it will get pregnant on its own. Truly it’s that simple.

If there is heat, cool it.

If there is cold, warm it up.

If there is dryness somewhere in the body, find it, find the herb that moistens that part of the body and use it.

If there is dampness, dry it.

If there is deficiency, supplement it.

If there are signs of excess, drain it.

[6:59] Western Herbalists like an “eye for an eye” treatment; western herbalists tend to get into the makeup of the herb and many of the herbs contain flavonoids, glycosides, and terpenoids. Eclectic medicine was a branch of American medicine which made use of botanical remedies along with other substances and physical therapy practices, popular in the latter half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries.

[9:22] TCM, or Traditional Chinese Medicine, is incorporated more into their everyday life and cooking. TCM can treat the unexplained and confusing occurrences in the body that sometimes Western medicine can’t.

[11:41] Aryuvedic uses the doshas.

The three doshas — Vata, Pitta, and Kapha — are derived from the five elements. Also known as mind-body types, the doshas express unique blends of physical, emotional, and mental characteristics. In Ayurveda, health is defined as the dynamic state of balance between mind, body, and environment. You can achieve and maintain a vibrant and joyful state of health by identifying your mind-body type and creating a lifestyle that supports your unique nature.

EPISODE 69 | THE FIFTH VITAL SIGN | Lisa Hendrickson-Jack

Master Your Cycle & Optimize Your Fertility


Lisa Hendrickson-Jack is a certified Fertility Awareness Educator, Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner, and author of The Fifth Vital Sign. She joins the show today to speak with Hillary about using Fertility Awareness as a primary method of birth control, ovulation as a health marker, important things to know about hormonal birth control, and an evidence-based approach as to how to set ourselves up for success when it comes to our menstrual cycle and fertility tracking. They discuss the realities of the public education system regarding this topic, hear more about her Fertility Friday Podcast, and ways in which women can connect more with their cycle and fertility.



[7:11] Lisa herself didn’t discover fertility awareness until about age 18 or 19, and even after that, there has been very little that has progressed in terms of teaching about menstruation and fertility in the public education system.

[9:12] Woman are often made to feel as though the menstrual cycle is something dirty or a nuisance that must be stopped or contained. Their concerns are dismissed and side effects which can be very serious and painful are diminished.

[12:26] Our ovulation is a marker of our health. In the same way that we have come to learn more about men’s health and their fertility being intertwined, Lisa and Hillary hope the same for the near future regarding ovulation and women’s health.

[15:58] Menstruation is a vital sign of what our body needs, how it is doing and is connected to many layers of health.

[24:54] The hormonal birth control pill stops ovulation to some degree, which dramatically reduces the natural production of our bodies estrogen and progesterone, and affects our free testosterone.

[27:02] Although how it plays out is different in everyone, all women who take hormonal birth control do experience effects in their hormones and organs.

[28:54] It is important for women to be upfront and aware of the side effects of the hormone birth control pill. Depression is a big one, along with mood swings.

[29:41] Research shows that hormonal birth control is associated with a temporary delay in the return of normal fertility. The shot is the worst offender, with other methods falling in after.

[33:56] Some women may hear about the side effects of hormonal birth control and decide it’s not for them, while others decide they will still use it but modify the use. Whatever choice that works best for you is the right one, but it’s important to be informed and aware.

[37:16] Birth control stops your normal cycle and replaces it with a fake one, but it doesn’t address or fix the real root of irregular menstrual cycles.

[45:12] Since birth control shrinks the ovaries, there is an established delay between when we come off birth control and when our body is normalized and fertile.

[52:35] There are many options for tracking our menstrual cycle and fertility. Because there is only about one week out of the month we can get pregnant, knowing this fact alone can be a total game changer.

[60:30] Devices such as wearable thermometers can be very helpful, but nothing trumps fertility awareness and training from a professional instructor. Much like learning to drive a car, it is a one-time investment that can lead to years of knowledge and empowerment.



The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility, by Lisa Hendrickson-Jack

Fertility Friday Podcast


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You must not rely on the information in this podcast as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website or in this podcast.





Today’s episode is a re-release of episode two. Missed it the first time around? Well we’re back with a remastered version. Loved it back in the day? Re-listen and re-love it (and maybe pick up on some gems you didn’t hear when it first aired). Today’s guests are Marc Sherman and Dr. Kate Webster, creators of the revolutionary online course Organic Conceptions. This course began with Erin and Marc Sherman’s personal struggle in trying to conceive for a decade. In partnership with Dr. Webster, they created a roadmap for themselves and others to chart a course that engages and empowers couples on their path to parenthood. They share the primary goals of Organic Conceptions, the main three chapters and primary expectations that arise and the importance of surrender. Marc and Dr. Webster are really doing some amazing work with helping others achieve emotional health and insight during their process and I thank them for digging deep in their own experience to provide a ton of hope, guidance, and information for others.

Join the Fertile Minds Private Community and Receive the Organic Conceptions Program with weekly group coaching sessions with Hillary Talbott Roland.



[7:48] I share the impressive backgrounds and bios of Dr. Kate Webster and Erin and Marc Sherman.

[12:15] Dr. Webster covers the primary goals of Organic Conceptions, stemming out of predictable problems and patterns with infertility. She also shares what the program is not so people have appropriate expectations.

[13:08] Depending on the statistics, between 1-in-6 and 1-in-8 couples struggles with infertility.

[21:07] They combine influences from biological, emotional, psychological, and sociological models.

[27:11] The program provides the opportunity for couples to go through the steps at their own time in their own home rather than rushing to appointments.

[31:37] Every story culminated into three chapters and nine transitions: The conception of doubt, couples losing patience, and surrender into life.

[24:31] Dr. Webster lists the five primary expectations that arise: age, sequencing of life events, gender roles, images of success, and trust in the medical model.

[39:38] The stages in the surrender into life chapter: rawness, reaching forward and uniting together, renewal.

[41:48] More than one third of women have pre-conceived doubt about their reproductive abilities before they even try get pregnant.

[49:48] It’s difficult for young women today to try and fit in a career, marriage, and family goals all in one decade.

[60:56] We hear the difference of mal-adaptive vs adaptive coping.

[61:57] Surrendering does not mean just relaxing or giving up on a dream for parenthood. The difference is quitting leaves you feeling full of more guilt and shame. Surrender leaves you feeling internal freedom! Dr. Webster and Marc share stories of couples that accept the things they cannot change, let go of past disappointment and control over the future to end up finding life again and new interests and passions. A lot of times people have success even after they are significantly older than when they first started on their journey.



Organic Conceptions

Dr. Kate Webster

You are the Placebo

Link to free PDF and discount rate on Organic Conceptions: Ladypotions.com


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You must not rely on the information in this podcast as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website or in this podcast.




Shauna Wetenkamp joins the show to share her immense knowledge on essential oils and examples of ways she has used them in ways many people may not have thought possible. She talks about her own personal journey in using them to help heal after a severe accident, how essential oils can enhance our life and our fertility, the ways the “nose knows” when it comes to sniffing out great quality oils, which oils are great for specific emotions, and how to choose them intuitively.

To share your own fertility story, please email me at hillary@ladypotions.com. I look forward to connecting with you, as you are what this podcast is all about.


[6:43] A very severe accident that Shauna endured, led her to appreciate the gift of being able to learn firsthand the healing properties of essential oils both physically and emotionally.

[9:39] A different oil can be applied for both almost every emotional and physical pain.

[12:38] When it comes to essential oils and medicine perfumes, a little goes a long way. The quality also matters, along with making sure it’s the appropriate oil and any emotions that need to be addressed along with the oil usage.

[16:22] Shauna loves to partner with doTerra because of their dedication to community, high quality, and purity, and work to uplift countries with indigenous peoples.

[19:42] For pain, a few that Shauna recommends are: Clary Sage (great for cramps), Frankincense, Lemongrass, Pink Pepper, Thyme, and Marjoram.

[28:12] Essential oils are a great tool for working with your mind and body as you observe emotions that are coming up, and that may have been stuck or pushed down for years.

[29:37] Shauna did her own physical therapy, and was completely committed to the only option of healing and regaining her health.

[33:16] Marjoram and Cedarwood are the oils of community, and the ability to allow true connection with others and to notice the good things present in your life.

[37:22] Geranium (love and trust) and Ylang Ylang (inner child) are great in a bath with Epsom salts to soak away the anger and sadness.

[40:23] Most often the oils we tend to stay away from and resist the most are the ones we could benefit from. Shauna advises bringing it in slowly and working in the emotion that it addresses.

[49:37] Shauna loves to put Sandalwood on her third eye for extra help in her intuition, and Rose to connect more with divine love. For fear, Bergamot is about loving yourself and having the courage to put ourselves first. Ginger, Lavender (clear communication), and Cypress (motion and flow) are also used to summon courage and help alleviate the physical symptoms of fear and anxiety.

[58:29] Journaling is a great way to record where you are at and put out emotions that are stuck.

As PROMISED in the podcast! How to know which oils should be contraindicated or used with caution in pregnancy?

The consensus about what essential oils should be Contraindicated during pregnancy vary greatly from source to source. Much of this may be due to the fact that many consider inhaling any of these oils generally safe during pregnancy. What is really an area of concern is topical use, especially in excess and certainly with internal use. All of the those listed below should not be consumed orally while pregnant, avoided during the first trimester in all forms, and only used topically or infused during the latter two trimesters with a deep understanding of benefit to risk ratio. 





Clary Sage 

















Here are some of my favorite essential oil blends

Lady Potions Essential Oils Labor blend - diffuse in room or apply to acupressure points on ankle to stimulate contractions after labor has begun. May also be rubbed on lower stomach or lower back after labor has started. 

  • 5 drops ylang ylang

  • 4 drops helichrysum

  • 2 drops fennel

  • 2 drops clary sage

  • 2 drops peppermint

Lady Potions Essential Oils Fertility Blend

  • 4 drops champaca

  • 3 drops yarrow

  • 3 drops geranium

  • 2 drops neroli

  • 1 drop rose

  • Mix with carrier oil of choice and roll on wrist and neck as desired


Essential Oils to treat Hemorrhoids & soothe your lady parts after birth

  • Tea Tree

  • Cypress

  • Geranium

  • Lavender

  • 2 drops each mixed with aloe vera gel and applied directly OR added to 8 oz water, submerge washcloths in, freeze and sit on later. You can also use the oils and water and add it to maxi pads to be frozen and used to heal after a vaginal birth.

Essential Oils to Relieve Nausea During Pregnancy

  • Lavender

  • Chamomile

  • Spearmint

  • Ginger

  • Use as singles on a cotton ball and inhale or work it as a blend to diffuse that smells helpful to you. Some women will lean towards more ginger while others will lean towards extra spearmint depending on the type of nausea they are experiencing.

Do you have a favorite oil or helpful blend for fertility & pregnancy? If so comment below and help a sister out!


Fertile Minds on LibSyn

Fertile Minds on iTunes


Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health, by Aviva Romm

Encyclopedia of Essential Oils, by Julia Lawless

Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth & Babies, by Stephanie Fritz

Emotions and Essential Oils, by Enlighten

Ep 47: “Bach Flower Remedies for Emotions that Come Along with Fertility Challenges”

Shauna On Instagram

Shauna Wetenkamp Facebook


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You must not rely on the information in this podcast as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website or in this podcast.



This week’s episode is all about innovation in IVF. The highly esteemed reproductive endocrinologists, Drs. Kathy and Kevin Doody came on to talk about their process of what they call “effortless IVF” and how it helps couples conceive. The Doodys talk about their clinic in Bedford, TX,  the specifics of their process, and the changes they have witnessed in over 30 years in the field of assisted reproductive medicine. In my opinion, their use of the INVOcell™ helps to make IVF as close to natural as possible. If you are someone that has hit a wall in terms of the all-natural route or is over the age of 35 and looking to check out your options, I highly recommend you have a listen.

To share your own fertility story, please email me at hillary@ladypotions.com. I look forward to connecting with you, as you are what this podcast is all about.


[2:06] Dr. Kathy is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and subspecialty board certified in Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility. She has received multiple recognitions as one of Fort Worth's Top Docs, as well as one of Texas’ Super doctors. Dr. Kevin is is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and sub-specialty board certified in Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility. Dr. Kevin has received multiple honors as one of Fort Worth's Top Docs, one of Texas’ Super Doctors and one of the Best Doctors in America for the last several years. In 2017, Dr. Kevin was recognized with the Resolve National Infertility Association’s Hope Award for Achievement in recognition for his contributions. While Dr. Kevin was serving as president of the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), he was instrumental in updating the SART National Summary Data to assist patients in making informed decisions about medical care. Dr. Kevin was also recognized as Microsoft Physician of the Year 2004. And they are married! Which is super cool.

[7:04] Their Center for Assisted Reproduction, CARE Fertility, in Bedford, Texas has an outstanding number of firsts in their location: the first ICSI pregnancy in the geographical area, they were first to successfully implement a blastocyst culture system, first in the world to use the INVOcell™ device in a blastocyst embryo transfer, and even trained the doctor in Virginia who helped the first same-sex couple both carry their baby.

[9:22] IVF, or In Vitro Fertilization, means that the egg is fertilized outside the body. ICSI, or Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, is the placement of a single sperm into the egg. It was invented in Brussels, and the Doodys were at the forefront of its discovery and implementation.

[10:36] A personal happy story! The Doodys had a hand in creating their nephew through ICSI.

[11:11] The INVOcell™ is a plastic capsule shaped like a champagne cork. It is an incubator and allows for the woman to provide the right environment and atmosphere for embryo development. It enters the uterus at the blastocyst stage.

[13:41] Dr. Kathy says it’s important for patients to understand why it makes sense to put the embryo into the body because it reflects what happens naturally in the different stages of ovulation.

[15:30] Part of the quality control is being able to make sure that the egg has normally fertilized, and it does take the place of IUI.

[17:47] The Doodys believe it is better to allow the natural competitive process when you can.

[18:20] Effortless IVF decreases the cost by about 50% and the amount of medication and monitoring that usually come with traditional IVF. The two main factors that are taken into account in a woman are her egg count, which is determined by her Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) levels, and her body weight. The appropriate candidates need to have an AMH higher than 0.8, a body weight less than 190 lbs, and a BMI less than 35.

[23:40] There is a 59% success rate with frozen embryo transfers with no monitoring and transferring only one embryo in patients.

[26:41] The approach is closer to mother nature, as they are able to discern which embryo will transfer successfully.

[30:01] Dr. Kevin explains why the process is so streamlined from a laboratory standpoint, and the minimal interventions that take place in the process.

[33:21] Complex organic systems like variance and the human body is certainly an example of that.

[34:54] The INVOcell™ was founded by Dr. Claude Ranoux, a fertility specialist.

[36:47] This discovery has been a huge win for same-sex couples, as it is opening up new avenues and options for fertilization.

[41:02] Dr. Kathy’s advice for couples looking to conceive, is to realize you aren’t alone, and it is important to be proactive and seek out the options in your area. Dr. Kevin reminds us to not get discouraged, and not to let fear of failure hold you back. It is hard to give up control, and effortless IVF makes the appointments more convenient and less daunting.



Fertile Minds on LibSyn

Fertile Minds on iTunes


Center for Assisted Reproductive Care

American Society of Reproductive Medicine

Ep #30: “Male Infertility with Dr. Paul Turek”

Effortless IVF

“Comparing blastocyst quality and live birth rates of intravaginal culture using INVOcell™ to traditional in vitro incubation in a randomized open-label prospective controlled trial”

INVO Bioscience



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You must not rely on the information in this podcast as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website or in this podcast.


Could Your Fertility Challenges Be An Unexpected Spiritual Awakening? guest Sharna Langlais 


Today we talk with a true master of explaining the mystical in an understandable way. Sharna Langlais is a Reiki Master and also trained in Shamanic Healing and many other healing modalities such as Herbalism and Aromatherapy. She and Hillary talk about her new book, Unexpected Spiritual Awakenings, and how it pertains to fertility. They discuss what exactly an unexpected Spiritual Awakening is, how to spot one and what the stages are, and some tips on how to ease the lonely and discomfort when everything feels like it’s crumbling. Then, they cover what our ethereal body is, how we clean it and how we can use it to protect ourselves.

To share your own fertility story, please email me at hillary@ladypotions.com or comment below. I look forward to connecting with you, as you are what this podcast is all about.


[1:44] Sharna Langlais is a Reiki Master also certified in Shamanic Healing and 5 Element Theory. She is a certified Herbalist, and Aromatherapist and Meditation Facilitator. Sharna has published work on Elephant Journal and MindBodyGreen and has her new book, Unexpected Spiritual Awakenings.

[4:08] Sharna comes from a Marketing and Executive Management background and was an “accidental techie” in her work with a nonprofit. She shares her journey in balancing the “real world” with her spiritual work starting at around her late 20s.

[7:13] All of the modalities that Sharna uses herself help to clear her own energy so that she can be open and compassionate in her work with clients all over the world to bring them a deeper sense of transformation.

[11:07] Sharna gives an analogy that Reiki is the car that she drives, in the sense that there are so many makes and models of energy work. It is a Japanese tradition in its origin and is about channeling life force energy through the bodies to remove blockages — the building block of life. Energy work can be utilized for any ailment or issue, and can deeply clear energy without having to talk through it too much.

[15:08] If Reiki is the car, acupuncture would be the model of car, and Sharna finds that distance work is more concentrated than physical experience.

[18:04] In a larger context, the unexpected spontaneous spiritual awakening is a personal process that creates extreme transformation inside of the cells and shifts. It can look like a crisis, and can very much feel as though everything is “falling apart.” The purposeful awakening is expected, and the context of the structure around it is usually based on a tradition with others to help guide the experience.

[23:34] One of the big messages in our crisis is to stop and listen to what’s really inside of us, and to tune in to our true calling instead of trying to keep up with a path that isn’t right for us.

[26:16] The biggest place we tend to see the spontaneous awakening is crisis and often emerges in transition that looks like health issues, breakups, and career shifts or changes.

[28:51] Going through an awakening can be daunting or scary at first, so it’s common for us to patch holes and return back to our normal life, but it is a real commitment to change and growth.

[35:40] Sharna put together the stages on her own experience and the experience of many clients she sees, but the experience is yin and nonlinear.

[36:34] Stage One: The Crisis Moment. Something breaks, and we must go in and try and fix it.

Stage Two: Find a New Way to Restructure and Change The “honeymoon” period of the awakening, where someone thought they found the answer.

Stage Three: Liminal Phase/The Awakening Process The true dark night of the soul where things fall apart and we already thought we fixed it in stage two.

Stage Fourth: The True Rebirth and Joy Stage The realization that we are a whole different version of ourselves.

Stage Five: The Awareness That We Are Always Changing and Needing to Pay Attention to Our Whisper We have a perpetual sense of humor and are reminded that everything is an opportunity for us to create and produce shifts.

[48:06] It is deeply healing for someone to connect one-on-one with someone while they are going through the process, as it feels isolating and confusing at times.

[49:11] Usually it is one part of the couple going through the awakening, and the relationship shifts as we change inside.

[52:22] The opportunity springs up during fertility because it tends to pop up in the areas of life that feel the most mysterious. Feminine energy also is the energy of chaos, and chaos energy is what is introduced for a system to change.

[56:44] The most important piece of awakening is surrendering and receiving without attachment.

[61:25] If we have to bring a life inside our body, it helps to be connected to it first.

[65:21] One of the biggest tips is to seek out somebody that can help you, but also to be careful of who you work with and that they are a right fit for you. Having patience with and through this process is also key. Retreats are also helpful to get your bearings with like-minded people by a trustworthy facilitator.


Mentioned References & Continuing Your Journey:

Reiki 1 Training with Sharna @ Art of Acupuncture Aug 3-4th 2019

Fertile Minds on LibSyn

Fertile Minds on iTunes


Unexpected Spiritual Awakenings: Navigating a Spiritual Awakening, by Sharna Langlais

Seek Spark Shine


Elephant Journal

Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression — and the Unexpected Solutions
by Johann Hari

@ladypotions4uon Twitter

@ladypotions4uon Instagram

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You must not rely on the information in this podcast as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website or in this podcast.