First of all, Hi! I've missed you all and I'm back and ready to rumble with you through some serious self growth. After all, Spring is all about growth, right?
Where have I been? Well, I got married to the love of my life, won four amazing stepsons in the process and managed to take a little R&R in my favorite place in the world, Big Sur.
I'm refreshed and inspired to get back on the horse of leading you through weekly recorded meditations, blog posts with info you can actually use, finishing up those virtual programs to empower women everywhere to embrace where they are at in their fertility process, and live sunrise meditation classes if you are lucky enough to be in St. Petersburg, Fl.
Check the ladypotions FB page for start times for Saturday morning meditation classes held at North Shore Park, on the sand next to the volleyball courts. Usually class begins 20 min prior to sunrise. All levels are welcome. No cost except a little extra shut eye and some frustrations your ready to let go of. If you are inclined to pay it forward in some way I suggest the hemotology- oncology stem cell transplant division at all children's hospital. A dear friend has just come home to work there and their work is nothing short of miraculous giving little kids a second chance at life. Donate directly here
If I don't see you on the sand I'll catch you in the ethers. XO
P.S. Here's some shots of the last month that were overflowing with light and love....
My favorite place in the world and quite possibly the best place to give someone their mantra, #BigSur
I'm a lucky girl #loverofthelight
Seriously the best flowers and florist a girl could ever luck into @Izasflowers and a ninja photographer @simpletreasuresflorida who got over 2,000 candid shots- my heroines
Best 2nd kiss ever
And finally, because sunrise meditation makes everything better, even your honeymoon 😍🙏💥