What a day today is! It’s International Day of PEACE, a day that is being celebrated all over the world thanks to the UN. This morning UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, said
“I call on all warring parties to lay down their weapons and observe a global ceasefire. To them I say: stop the killings and the destruction, and create space for lasting peace.”
One could only imagine what the world would be like if this were to happen--even if only for today!
If you are curious to learn more, many people at the ceremony (such as Deepak Chopra) are periscoping the event, providing a live feed that is available for the next 24 hours. We live in wild times, with the ability to see what is happening in any part of the world live, thanks to technologies like Periscope and Meerkat. If this can happen, why can’t Peace happen? Miracles are happening every day, and if enough people put their intention on Peace and their attention on ways to create it, it could very easily materialize. (Click to tweet.) I’m absolutely sure of it!
Today is also World Gratitude Day, which has been tradition since 1965 when a group of world leaders gathered in Hawaii and thought it would be spectacular if, even for only one day, everyone was able to express their deepest gratitude without fear of judgment or repercussions for doing so. Many of these leaders marked the day on their calendars and brought it back to their motherlands and the tradition has been growing ever since.
As many of you are aware, I have been on a Gratitude kick lately with my meditation and blog posts. All five parts are completed, so incase you missed one, hop over to the blog and catch up or visit the meditation page directly and take a time out today to center yourself on what you are grateful for. This will surely create an inner peace that will be contagious.
If you have completed all five, I have recorded a new meditation in honor of International Day of Peace to help you feel the good vibes--even on a Monday.
You can find this meditation on the meditation page, or embedded below.
Attention is becoming the greatest currency we have as the pace of world speeds up. (Click to tweet.) I’m grateful that today, many people will be turning their attention towards Peace and Gratitude. I’m super grateful that you decided to spend some of your greatest currency on this post. And--I’m always elated to see your shares and to read your comments and responses so please don’t be shy. Spread the love, peace and gratitude!