My purpose is what? How to utilize your gifts during times of transition. (Click To Tweet.)
So your purpose or dharma, that thing that you have identified with, that thing that makes your heart sing or has gotten you out of bed for the last few years, is starting to change....
It hasn’t changed completely, but you can feel the ground beneath your feet beginning to rumble. Breezes of vulnerability wash over you when you least expected it, as you are placed in situations where you no longer identify 110% with your old dharma. You have the sneaking suspicion that something is missing.
Now what?
First off, clap your hands! Get excited!!! Allow excitement and joy to percolate in your heart and blot out any fear that is about to flow down from your brain trying to paralyze you into staying exactly where you are. This feeling means you are growing! That right now you are consciously growing because you are hearing the whispers of the Universe before getting beaten with the 2 x 4.
Rather than being forced into some change (that you will later understand the benefits of), can you lean into the whispers of what could this change be? You are no longer frightened by what is beyond the horizon. You are enticed by it. You are sending the message that you are listening and ready to receive direction. Bravo!! This feeling is growth! You are experiencing conscious communication with the Universe. You are embodying the ability to be excited about change and growth all the while surrendering to uncertainty. This is no small feat. This is huge!
What do you do in the meantime before the message is clear?
The answer is simple:
You cultivate patience through stillness and present moment awareness.
You commit to a little bit of stillness each day, no matter if it was a good, bad, chaotic or triumphant day.
You resist the urge to run from un-comfortableness and to learn what needs to be understood so you can move forward.
You allow yourself to be vulnerable.
You allow yourself to dig deep for courage.
You allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised by uncertainty.
You trust in something bigger than yourself and you have a gentle knowing in the core of your being that you will always be ok.
You call on this knowing when the fear comes knocking.
You ask yourself, “What are my unique gifts?” “Where is my wisdom hiding?" "How can I illuminate my wisdom for others?” “Where does my ability to serve others intersect with my dharma or purpose?”
That intersection between the impulse to change and the knowledge of the path is the sweet spot. Once the two meet all becomes clear. Until that time, can you sit patiently until the mud settles and your lotus blooms?
Join me for a guided meditation where we ask ourselves the questions to help find our emerging dharma or purpose. We practice being still together so that we can hear our own unique whispers about what drives the deepest part of us so that we can lead more satisfying lives. (Click to tweet.)
P.S. If you are perimenopausal or menopausal woman who was inspired by this blog or meditation and would like more direction on how to transform into the butterfly you were meant to be, sign up here for updates on our Merging with Menopause program that will be released later this month.