EPISODE 50 | MINI MINDFUL MOMENT | Energetic Liberation and Physical Manifestation

When it comes to using the chakras there are actually two currents that help the energy to flow, however, most people are only accustomed to using one of them working from the bottom chakra up. This pathway is what is sometimes referred to as the path to liberation or emotional freedom. The other less know current is the downward current from the heavens to the earth plane, sometimes referred to as the current of manifestation. For thousands of years in Chinese Medicine humans have been explained as a divine mix of matter and spirit, a pivot if you will between heaven and earth. When it comes to using the chakras and meditations to help your pursuits of beckoning a healthy happy baby into your life, both currents must be taken into consideration. This meditation will show you how to do just that, all while helping you turn on your relaxation response. 


Description: Davidji is the voice that woke me up many years ago, and I am forever grateful for finding his work, as it changed my life and path and this podcast would not be here today without him. Today I am honored to have him on as our guest. He graciously gives us tips on how to manifest true transformation in any area of your life from within, and answering the question “How Do I Stop Being Attached to The Outcome of Something I Want So Badly?” It’s a talk of rejuvenation, renewal, and rebirth.


[1:02] Our guest today is my meditation teach and mentor, davidji. He is an internationally recognized stress management expert, corporate trainer, meditation teacher and author of the critically acclaimed Amazon #1 Best Seller Destressifying

[3:06] Davidji guides us through a gentle meditation to center us and get us in the same place energetically.

[8:33] Shedding our old stories and outdated paradigms are necessary for rebirth and renewal. It’s easy to get stuck in the same way of thinking and mindset, and we have to be able to give ourselves permission to empty what is full to make space for the new.

[10:14] Meditated and Liberated in January with Libby Cartensen will be held in San Diego! For more information or tickets visit: here. Many programs promise the experience but don’t set you up for success when the workshop ends and real life begins. This is what sets MEDITATED & LIBERATED apart from other programs; you’ll have the experience and receive the tools to thrive when you return home.

[14:13] His third book, Sacred Powers: The Five Secrets to Awakening Transformation, just came out, and helps people to make the best decisions in the most important moments of their life with clarity and intention.

[19:08] Being detached from the outcome doesn’t mean you don’t care, it means you are open to controlling what you can and letting the rest come up spontaneously with grace and gratitude.

[22:37] A perspective shift of opening up our hearts for whatever may come is important to feel close to our own joy and our partner’s. Whatever pushes us apart from our partner is the same thing that has the ability to align us and get us even closer.

[30:31] Medical technology and adoption going global has opened up the opportunity for anyone to have children. This can be a beautiful thing but also can bring a lot of blame and pressure to couples or singles trying for a child. This is why we need the tools and ability to help us during the stressful times.

[34:12] Connecting to stillness and silence is a big lifestyle shift that can help ease stress during the fertility and pregnancy process. Davidji shares some personal experiences with past frustration and lessons learned in his own fertility process.

[47:51] Ask yourself, “What is distracting and what is nourishment?” A way to break it down into what is working vs. what needs some space can be found in the 5 teachings:

  1. Path of One — Awakens powers of presence, ripple, and spirit 

  2. Path of Awareness — Attention, Intention, and Action

  3. Path of Rebirth — Acceptance, Release, and New Beginnings 

  4. Path of Infinite Flow — Trust and Abundance

  5. Path of Inner Fire — Passion and Purpose

[52:09] Davidji gives us a gift of a free download type in the code: SacredGifts



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Sacred Powers

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Three Sacred Gifts Audio Lesson