There is so much waiting in a fertility journey, and because we really never know how long it will take to hold that healthy baby in our arms, I think this is one of the greatest skills you can learn for the micro of the two week wait to the macro of the entirety of completing your family.
In this episode you will learn...
- What to do when you feel in a hurry to get pregnant.
- What delay discounting is and how to know when you are doing it.
- Learn to understand which part of your brain is guiding your decision making process.
- The understanding of possiblity thinking vs probability.
- The stats on falling pregnant that are often glossed over.
When you get good at delaying gratification and disciplining yourself with healthy habits that make you feel good from a place of self love, from a place of training your brain and taking care of your body, and not because you think they will yield a baby, you can enjoy the wait of any journey in life, even falling pregnant. We call this living in high engagement with low attachment in my Conscious Conceptions program. You are engaged in living your life to its fullest, growing your capacity for uncertainty while growing your capacity to stay in prefrontal thinking and marveling at the magic that happens, which is the baby becomes the icing on the cake instead of the cake itself.