Mini Mindful Moments- Mindfulness 101 For Fertility
How do you set the tone for mindfulness or actually practice it?
Whether you are doing something prolific like making love, or something mundane like the dishes get in the habit of asking yourself these questions and then observing the answer you come up with, without judgment.
What do I hear?
What do I feel?
What do I smell?
What do I see?
What do I taste?
Try it with me, wherever you are, whatever you are doing ask yourself these simple questions. Drop into the present moment and quit entertaining your past or your worries about the future.
By taking the time to ask yourself these questions and thoughtfully responding, you allow yourself to me more fully engaged in the activity and deepen your experience.
Even though it is a practice that is seemingly more mental than following the breath because we are entertaining your mind, it really allows you to drop out of your head and into your body.
It allows you take a break from what’s going on in your head, which chances are is the same conversation with yourself on repeat, and I’m willing to bet it’s probably not saying anything you would repeat to someone outloud.
So if you want to change the way you feel, you have to start paying attention to what is really happening in the moment and not what your repetitious thoughts would like you to believe.
It's so simple.
You just have to commit to doing it!
Let's get mindful together.
Join me in the 29 Day Fertility Meditation Challenge- Begins August 26th