Episode 12
Mindful Moments
The Ripple of Gratitude
Practicing the habit of developing an attitude of gratitude.
Description: I am very thankful for the ability to share today’s episode with you. Creation of life is INTERNAL and it needs a relaxed state to begin, which is exactly why a gratitude practice can help. I invite you to see what unfolds when you commit to an attitude of gratitude. We talk about why it is a matter of health to call on positive emotions, how to start the process of being grateful, and why it’s important to stop waiting until things “are better.” I guide you through a meditation for gratitude to take with you on your day and ongoing journey with fertility.
[1:30] Oftentimes I’m asked, “What is the quickest way to get healthy or get pregnant?” My answer is simple. “Start focusing on the good things in your life. Take stock of what is benefiting you (people, behaviors, habits, environments) and lean into those areas of your life. Place less emphasis on what you don’t have or what is irritating you, especially if it is a physical symptom or the lack of a child.
[2:02] When the body is in a state of homeostasis or balance it wants to create life.
[5:06] It’s actually a matter of health to learn to call on positive emotions like gratitude when we are feeling challenged, fearful, or untrusting. Creation of life is INTERNAL and it needs a relaxed state to begin which is exactly why a gratitude practice can help.
[7:30] The idea here is just like our meditations; there is no right or wrong way to do it. Make it your way so it will stick and you’ll want to do it and before you know it it will become part of you!
[8:11] In order to start believing or recognizing miracles it begins with the process of being grateful for what is right in front of us, especially the little things AND the things we might think of at first blush as not so great.
[11:07] The meditation for gratitude begins.